Who Needs Housing?
Community Voices Kathleen Miller Community Voices Kathleen Miller

Who Needs Housing?

over the country, with a range of factors contributing to the problem. As I write this blog post, our issue of Mainebiz arrived in the mail and the cover story is “Maine’s growing Housing Crunch”, with the subhead, “Cash buyers, short-term rentals and rising home prices are shutting Mainers out.” Almost every day the Bangor Daily News has several articles on housing issues from the region. So, Mount Desert is by no means the only community grappling with affordable housing issues, but that is little comfort if you’re one of those people being turned out of your rental home with no place to go and nothing available you can afford to buy or rent.

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Safe Harbor
Community Voices Kathleen Miller Community Voices Kathleen Miller

Safe Harbor

At the opening of the March 8, 2022 Town of Mt. Desert’s special town meeting, moderator Bill Ferm asked the 103 town residents in attendance to observe a moment of silence to remember the people of Ukraine. After the silence, he asked us to recognize their bravery with applause. The applause was sustained for several minutes. The purpose of the special town meeting was described in Article 6 of the Warrant: “Shall the voters of the Town of Mount Desert authorize the Board of Selectmen of the Town or its designee to negotiate and enter into an agreement providing for the acquisition of the assets, liabilities and operations of the Northeast Harbor Ambulance Service into the Town’s Fire Department.”

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Digitizing History: Town of Mount Desert Moves Historical Records Online
Kathleen Miller Kathleen Miller

Digitizing History: Town of Mount Desert Moves Historical Records Online

With such a long and storied history, it’s no wonder that the Town of Mount Desert Office archives are full of old documents, but just how old might be a surprise. Town Clerk Claire Woolfolk gingerly opens a binder to reveal an original document titled, “The Oath of Allegiance: In the Thirteenth Year of the Independence of the United States of America,” signed by Mount Desert residents in 1789 pledging allegiance to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. “I get goosebumps,” says Claire. “Part of them is in that document.”

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Mount Desert 365’s Origin Story
Kathleen Miller Kathleen Miller

Mount Desert 365’s Origin Story

We are sometimes asked how and why this organization got started. Here is our origin story and some background on what guides our work.

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